Avatar for Simon MacDonald

Simon MacDonald
Human Goodreads

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Awhile back I got the advice that you should get different artists to draw their take on your favourite character. That way you end up with a collection instead of an accumulation of sketches. Here's my collection of the 1940's Sandman, Wesley Dodds.

Andrew Charipar

Andrew Charipar

Andrew Charipar
Dave Wachter

Dave Wachter

Dave Wachter
Francis Manapul

Francis Manapul

Francis Manapul
Kelly Tindall

Kelly Tindall

Kelly Tindall
Jay Odjick

Jay Odjick

Jay Odjick
Jeff Lemire

Jeff Lemire

Jeff Lemire
Julian Lytle

Julian Lytle

Julian Lytle
Mike Norton

Mike Norton

Mike Norton
Tim Seeley

Tim Seeley

Tim Seeley
Tom Fowler

Tom Fowler

Tom Fowler